Monday, March 23, 2009

The Weekend

I actually got to make it out to alot of the stuff that was going on this pasted weekend, and I have to say I had a great time. Pop Off was a blast, there are always good people out there. I even got a ticket to the Ratatat show. Got out on Sunday for the Poker Alley cat race, for somethings that was put together last second it was really fun. It had it's little flaws, but I'm sure if they do it again they'll workout all the bugs. but overall all it was a fun time.
I arrived at The Milkshake party with Mike right around noon. It started well and end well, with a little rain inbetween. I was apart of the Vegan Hotdog eating contest, and that was a blast. Antimo, on of the cats, was across from me. He happened to be the first and only person I believe to throwup during the contest. I know there were lots of pictures of that taken. I'll try to get ahold of some of them and post them up. I got six down, one of our good friends Buddy put down 8. But that wasn't even enough to win, first place was taken with a solid 10. It was fun, and I enjoyed myself. I had to go grab a nice acually "hot" vegan dog after the contest was over.
They also unveil a pretty sick moral done by Andrew Spears behind the covert shop. If you have the time you should swing by there and check it out.
Besides that I just hungout with friend. My friend Jullian had her bday on sunday so we went out and had a casual night at BBq. I was exhausted by Sunday night, I was fighting to keep my eyes open. But it was a good time.

This weekend is the 2nd race in the sprint series, the registation spot is going to be ACE Metric. Resgisteration is going to start at 1pm. The acuatly races will begin at 3pm. Please come out and support, even if just to watch and cheer your friends on.

Choke on it

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